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A closer look at the TOEFL Primary Step 2 Test

 The third round and also the Final Round of the TOEFL Primary Challenge 2014 will be held shortly from April 26th to May 17th 2014 with the challenge of the TOEFL Primary Step 2 Test. This is an international assessment standard test measuring the English-language proficiency of students on two particular skills (Reading and Listening Comprehension). Different from TOEFL Primary Step 1 test which is intended for students in the earlier stages of learning, TOEFL Primary Step 2 Test is intended for primary school students who have developed emergent communicative skills.  Therefore, in order to prepare best for the test, students should understand further about the structure as well as the content of the test, as explained in the following details.

 TOEFL Primary Step 2 is taken entirely on paper, consisting of two sections: Reading Comprehension and Listening Comprehension.

­­­­­­­Reading Comprehension section of Step 2 (36 questions in 30 minutes) assesses the same skills as Step 1 and also assesses the ability to understand sentences that are more complex and include less familiar vocabulary; find and interpret information in menus,  schedules or posters; understand a sequence of instructions, a story of about 250 words, a paragraph on an academic subject; locate and connect information throughout a longer text; infer and draw conclusions.

Listening Comprehension section of Step 2 (36 questions in about 30 minutes) assesses the same skills as Step 1 and also assesses the ability to understand conversations and messages that contain less familiar vocabulary; understand stories and simple academic texts of about 250 words; connect information within teacher instructions, messages, stories, dialogues, conversations, and simple academic texts; infer and draw conclusions from spoken texts.

Sample Questions Reading Comprehension Step 2:

Sample Questions for Listening Comprehension Step 2:

All participants of this Final Round will receive the TOEFL Primary Official Score Report (Step 2) issued by the Educational Testing Service (ETS) with global recognition.

TOEFL Primary Score Report is a comprehensive and details report evaluating the current English ability of students. Depending on the stars obtained, TOEFL Primary Step 2 will indicate the student’s specific level of English proficiency and inform instructions and monitor their progress in learning English. TOEFL Primary Step 2 scores can be mapped to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).

Level Descriptors of TOEFL Primary Step 2 Reading Comprehension Section


Level Descriptors of TOEFL Primary Step 2 Listening Comprehension Section


Studying Roadmap Suggestions for Students at 3 badges Level


In the Document No 384/GDĐT-VP dated on February 17th 2014, the Department of Training and Education Hochiminh City has issued detailed instructions on using TOEFL Primary scale level to measure English proficiency of students taking intensive English courses and English classes as set forth in the Foreign Language Plan 2020. Students can compare their current level of English proficiency with the standard level required by the Department of Education and Training Hochiminh City using the Official Score Report of TOEFL Primary Step 2. In details, students finishing 4th grade of intensive English program need to achieve a minimum of 2 badges level when students finishing 5th grader of intensive English program need to achieve a minimum of 3 badges level of the TOEFL Primary Step 2 test.




For more details on the TOEFL Primary test and TOEFL Primary Challenge 2014, please visit: or




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